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Port of Mukalla

Home : Yemen : Mukalla LAT: 14° 31' 20" N
LON: 49° 8' 59" E

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Results 1 - 4 of 4

  1. General Information Port of Mukalla Details
    Port of Mukalla, Yemen

  2. GAC Yemen Details
    Shipping agents in Yemeni ports

  3. Hodship - Hodeidah Shipping & Transport Co. S.Y.C Details
    The Hodeidah Shipping & Transport Co. S.Y.C is the shipping and agency arm of the Thabet Group of Companies with offices in Hodeidah, Sana’a, Aden, Mokha, Mukalla and Saleef. Our expertise extends from ship agency and husbandry to stevedoring and container handling

  4. Saba Shipping & Stevedoring Co. Details
    Established 1983,Joined BIMCO 1984,Joined FIATA 2003. Ship and Container Lines Agents, Logistics, Stevedoring, Ship Supplies

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